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Romantic Cusco

  • 7 DAYS / 6 NIGHT
    • Visit the archeological zones of Qenqo and Saqsayhuaman, the Cathedral Basilica of Cusco.
    • Enjoy the imposing view of the sacred citadel of the Inca empire Machu Picchu, chosen as one of the 7 New Wonders of the Modern World.
    • Excursion in Moray, where you can see the greenhouse or Inca agricultural laboratory and then visit Maras, where you can go to visit the salt mines by a bridle path.

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Machu Picchu and Kuelap

  • 10 DAYS / 09 NIGHT
    • Visit to Machu Picchu and the main sectors of the Sanctuary: Room of the Three Windows, Intiwatana, Granaries, among others.
    • Visit to the Temple of Koricancha or Temple of the Sun, the Cathedral, and other colonial monuments and mansions.
    • Visit to the fortified citadel of Kuelap
    • Visita al poblado de Cocachimba y llegar a las faldas de la Catarata Gocta.

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Passing by Lima

  • 3 DAYS / 2 NIGHT
    • Visit the historic center of Lima, Grau Square, the Palace of Justice, San Martin Square.
    • Visit Estación de los Desamparados, the convent of San Francisco and old streets with colonial mansions and Moorish style balconies.
    • Visit the most traditional residential areas of the capital and a view of the Pacific Ocean.

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Norte Mágico

  • 11 DAYS / 10 NIGHT
    • Visit to the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon and Excursion in the Moche Valley. e
    • Visit to Chan-Chan city built by the Chimús and the Huaca del Dragón
    • Visit the tomb of the Lord of Sipán
    • Visit to the fortified citadel of Kuelap and Gocta Waterfall

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Imperio Inca

  • 4 DAYS / 3 NIGHTS
    • Visit the archeological zones of Qenqo and Saqsayhuaman
    • The temple of Qoricancha, Quechua Museum with complimentary drink
    • Railway routes through beautiful panoramic Andean landscapes and the jungle
    • View of the sacred citadel of the Inca empire Machu Picchu

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Perú y Las Maravillas del Imperio Inca

  • 8 DAYS / 7 NIGHTS
    • Enjoy the Imperial City of Cusco, tour in the most iconic and main places.
    • The archeological zones of Qenqo and Saqsayhuaman, the Cathedral Basilica of Cusco, and the temple of Qoricancha.
    • City of Moray visits the greenhouse or Inca agricultural laboratory
    • Visit the Ollantaytambo Fortress and sacred citadel of the Inca empire Machu Picchu

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Perú y la Ruta del Dios Sol

  • 8 DAYS / 7 NIGHTS
    • Visit the Fortress of Ollantaytambo, view 6 huge pink stones of about 50 tons
    • City of Aguas Calientes and view of the sacred citadel of the Inca empire Machu Picchu
    • The Church of San Pedro de Andahuaylillas, known as the Sistine Chapel of America.
    • Raqchi archaeological center and lake excursion in Titicaca

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    La Ruta Del Origen Ancestral

  • 16 DAYS / 15 NIGHTS
    • City tour in Ica, includes: visit to an artisan winery "El Catador".
    • Regional Museum of Ica "Adolfo Bermudez Jenkins, flight over the Nazca Lines
    • Archaeological view of Sillustani, famous for its chullpas, sailing on a large traditional Titikaka boat.
    • The caves of Gallaxia, entrance to the Uyuni salt flat and visit to the Incahuasi island.
    • The archeological remains of Tambomachay, Puca Pucara, Kenko and the Sacsayhuaman fortress.

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Perú y las maravillas del sur

  • 4 DAYS / 3 NIGHT
    • Visit on route the archaeological remains of Sillustani, enigmatic Chullpas built by Collas.
    • Excursion to Lake Titicaca and Uros Island, Taquile Island, and floating island with totora.
    • Visit Pukara, Sicuani Raqchi and Andahuaylillas
    • Visit Machu Picchu, located at the top of the jungle at the top of the mountain

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024

    Lima y Cusco: Pernocte en Valle Sagrado y Machu Picchu

  • 7 DAYS / 3 NIGHT
    • Panoramic visit of the historical center of Lima, the Station of the Forsaken, the convent of San Francisco
    • Visit to the village of Pisac where we will start the visit of this day at the Handicrafts Market.
    • View of Machu Picchu and the sectors of the Sanctuary: Temple of the Three Windows, Intiwatana
    • Visit Huayna Picchu and Koricancha Temple
    • Archaeological remains; Tambomachay, Puca-Pucara, Kenqo and Sacsayhuaman fortress.

    17/07/2024 - 31/12/2024